Sax-playing Citi exec Michael Nigro will play the main stage at Convention.
Michael Nigro honors late parents with main stage national anthem
By Janet Weyandt, YSN
If the BrandSource Convention doesn’t immediately bring to mind the concepts of honoring your parents, testing your limits and showing courage, that’s only because you haven’t met Michael Nigro yet.
Nigro, who during the day is a vice president at Citi Retail Services, is also a saxophone player who has built up a following for his heartfelt, joyous music. Nigro will perform the National Anthem on the main stage at the 2024 Convention, prior to the start of the General Session.
He’s been playing the saxophone for 20 years, and started performing for BrandSource at the 2022 Convention to bring attention to the coffee station Citi was hosting on the EXPO floor. Last year in Nashville, he played just outside the show floor with another artist, and he has also performed at several region meetings.
Happy Accident
“Brian Lawrence [BrandSource region manager] was kind enough to let me play a bit at the North Central Regional meeting last year, and that has grown again into something that is very special to me,” Nigro said.

Lawrence said his introduction to Nigro’s musical talent happened by accident.
“I first had the pleasure of hearing him play at a region meeting where he happened to have his sax in his car,” Lawrence said. “We turned off the music that we had planned and had him play instead. He was amazing! This was a highlight of the meeting and something that the members continue to talk about.”
Nigro’s history with the saxophone is both beautiful and profound. He started playing in fourth grade, but gave it up five years later in favor of football. Nigro’s father took a third job as a janitor to buy him his own instrument, but Nigro didn’t pick it up again for years. Not until his father passed away, in fact.
“I struggled to play a couple of songs at his funeral and thought I would commit to playing more as I always loved to play, but with a family, there were many more priorities,” he said.
Finding Inspiration
Later, when Nigro’s sons were competing in a high school wrestling tournament, Nigro was inspired to try again. While waiting for the recording of the National Anthem to start, he was shocked to see a “tiny girl” walk to the center of the mats with a flute in her hand.
“She proceeded to play a fabulous rendition of the national anthem on the flute,” he said. “She killed it, and I was so impressed with her talent and the guts she had do this in front of 200-plus people. I thought maybe I could learn the anthem and play it at the annual tournament my son’s school hosts. I mentioned it to the coach and the school decided to give me the chance.”
Nigro learned The Star-Spangled Banner, performed it at the tournament and commenced his musical Act II.
“It was a little rough but I got through it and loved the experience,” he said. “For the last 19 years, I have been asked to play the national anthem at this tournament. This is very precious to me, and it has gradually grown to where I have had the privilege to play the anthem at three of my nephews’ senior night basketball games, with a fourth coming in two years.”
He also plays for his town’s annual Memorial Day and Labor Day celebrations and its July 4th water ski show.
And now, he’s added BrandSource events to his lineup.
Leading by Example
Nigro said part of his job at Citi is to encourage dealers to step outside their comfort zone. For example, when Citi introduced a new “Scan to Apply” feature last year, it represented a big change for both his company and for BrandSource member dealers.
“Change is not easy for many, and I have tried to convince dealers that stepping outside of what is comfortable can bring great rewards,” he said.
That same principle applies to his saxophone, he said, beginning with that first performance at the wrestling meet.
“This was way, way out of my comfort zone,” he said. “I always support [encouraging others to do the same] by telling personal stories of times when I have done something outside of my comfort zone and have experienced great results.”
Nigro expressed appreciation for BrandSource, for the work involved in organizing and hosting national events and also for inviting him and his saxophone to the microphone. And every time he plays, he challenges himself a little more.
“We live and work in a great country,” he said. “In playing the national anthem, I give God the glory and it gives me a way to honor my mom and dad for all they did to make it happen, all while doing something I love. Stepping out of your comfort zone is all good!”
YSN publisher AVB BrandSource is the nation’s largest merchandising and marketing co-op for independent appliance, mattress, furniture and CE dealers.