… and set some achievable goals

By Jennifer Idler, Idler’s Home

Did you know that nearly 40% of Americans set New Year’s resolutions each year? Yet statistics tell us that only 9% of those who make resolutions actually keep them.

In fact, 23% give up on them within the first week. I say it’s time to give up on making fruitless pie-in-the-sky resolutions and try something a little different this year: try setting attainable goals instead.

The difference between a goal and a resolution is simple. A resolution is a statement of what you want to change, such as “Get in shape.” A goal is a statement of exactly what you want to achieve, the steps you need to take to achieve it and when you want to achieve it by.

As business owners and professionals, we are always seeking ways to improve and grow, not only in our businesses, but also to be better people and more effective leaders. The key to achieving your goals is to choose something realistic and achievable. The main reason most people do not live up to their resolutions, and why so many quit immediately, is that what they are resolving to do for themselves is out of reach. So I ask the obvious question: why set yourself up for failure?

Here is a perfect exercise for setting your goals and setting yourself up for success in 2024. Now that the new year is here, take some quiet time for yourself (at least 30 minutes) and process through these steps. You will at the very least have achievable successes in your near future.

Declare Your Intentions. Choose three to five words that represent your energy and your mindset toward your desired outcome for the year. Write these words in various places that have special meaning to you — your desktop, your phone, your bathroom mirror or anywhere you would see them every day to remind you to be intentional about your goals.

Identify Your Take-With You’s vs. Your Leave Behinds. Think about the lessons you learned in 2023. Last year was a time of highs and lows for all of us. What do you want to take with you this year and what do you need to leave behind? Reflect on the challenges you went through. Take your successes and leave behind what did not work so well.

Where are Your Growth Opportunities?  Ask yourself how you can be a better leader, partner, business owner, parent or spouse. When you achieve successful personally, it makes you better in all aspects of your life.

What is the Truth of Your Reality? Identify the fears, struggles and concerns that may be holding you back, both professionally and personally. This one is difficult for most of us. No one likes to think about the negative things that hold us back. However, if you can identify even one thing you do that’s stopping you from achieving your goals, and if you can realistically work to change it, positive changes will follow. 

What Will You Need? Proactively think about the tools, systems and people you need to help you accomplish your goals. I know, it’s hard for nearly all of us to ask for help. However, there is no shame in asking for or receiving assistance from others. Don’t wait until you are among those 23% who cop out early. Reach out to the people around you; they all want you to succeed as much as you do. In fact, sharing the steps with other stakeholders adds a layer of accountability to your goals.

As the new year unfolds here at Idler’s Home, I am excited to go through this goal-setting exercise myself. I look forward to seeing all your personal and professional growth and your smiling, positive faces throughout 2024!

Jennifer Idler is a principle at longtime BrandSource member Idler’s Home in Paso Robles, Calif., and manages more than 100 employees across her company’s five Central Coast locations.

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