Happy Fall to All BrandSource Furniture Dealers!

Gordon Neve of Neve’s Furniture & Flooring (left) with fellow FTS members at a packed Convention session

Recounting Convention and looking ahead to High Point

By Michael Posa, FTS

With autumn effectively underway in most parts of the country (although Sept. 23 is the first “official” day of fall), we wanted to take this turning of the seasons to turn a page on the BrandSource side as well.

Fall brings with it many changes and at BrandSource this is no exception. Having just completed our biggest Convention for furniture in AVB history, we wanted to share a bit for those who maybe couldn’t make this event. Just a few highlights below:

  • More than 30 key BrandSource home furnishings vendor partners in attendance, all bringing best-in-class deals
  • The largest Stampede BrandSource members have ever see, featuring over 20 home furnishings vendors
  • The most education and networking BrandSource members have ever seen — possibly more than any other furniture industry event outside of a major market
  • The launch of many exciting new programs from our vendors, such as Legends “mixology,” Sierra Sleep by Ashley and private-label mattresses from both TSI and SSB.
  • The introduction of a number of new BrandSource partners including Magnussen, Legacy, Liberty, YHD and more!
  • The first in-person view of the FTS Direct Program offering shared containers to members nationwide

If you weren’t there in Nashville, we missed you!  And we hope to see you at the next big BrandSource furniture event, the 2024 Summit at Harrah’s Las Vegas in March.

In the meantime, with October’s High Point Market fast approaching, we look forward to keeping you up to date on the latest industry intelligence and sharing key takeaways from what your merchandising team learns at the show. We plan to meet with over 100 vendors, including prospective and current BrandSource partners.

Looking forward to sharing the insights, and as always let us know what we can do to help you grow and thrive — especially as we head into what is traditionally a higher velocity season for retail.

Talk soon,


Michael Posa is general manager of home furnishings and Furniture Technology Source (FTS) lead for YSN publisher AVB Inc.

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