Shoppers are primed to pick out new mattresses
By Alan Wolf, YSN
Good news for BrandSource’s bedding dealers: consumers are on the prowl for pricey new mattresses.
According to a new shopper survey by Consumer Insights Now (CIN), the research arm of Home News Now, nearly a quarter of U.S. households are in the market for a mattress, and plan to buy one for their primary bedroom between now and June.
Fully half of those purchases will be for queen-size beds, the survey shows, with shoppers planning to shell out between $1,000 and $1,999 on average for their selections. Expect older millenials, aged 27-34, to spend the most.
Not surprisingly, memory foam and hybrid mattresses are top of mind with consumers, together representing more than 60% of planned purchases. Another 30% said they were unsure, suggesting ripe opportunities for assisted sales.
On that latter point, more good news for storefront dealers: Nearly 70% of respondents expect to buy their next mattress in a brick-and-mortar store, as 77% cited the ability to lie down and try out the product as either important or very important. Expect both younger (Gen Z and Gen X) and older shoppers (baby boomers) to visit your store, while millennials appear to prefer buying online.
Now here comes the not-so-good news: Most consumers (43%) plan to buy that new mattress from a national furniture or mattress chain, followed next by independent dealers at 15%. (Amazon and Wayfair trail at 8% and 4%, respectively.) However, opportunity lies with the 18% of respondents who aren’t sure where they’re going to spend their bedding bucks.
Finally, don’t forget those accessories. Four out of 10 shoppers said they plan to supplement their mattress purchase by buying pillows, sheets and pillowcases, and a bed frame.
The CIN survey was conducted Jan. 21-25, 2023, among 1,868 U.S. adults representing a mix of genders, incomes, ages, ethnicities and housing.
The complete mattress report is available here.