Trade group plans sit-downs with furniture dealers, legislators

By YSN Staff

The Home Furnishings Association (HFA), the leading trade organization for furniture retailers, is heading to Washington, D.C., this May with dealers in tow to voice their industry concerns with legislators and Administration officials.

The AVB BrandSource partner has scheduled its annual HFA DC Fly-In for May 24-25 — a busy two days during which HFA staff and retail members will advocate for the home furnishings industry in face-to-face meetings with legislative decision makers.

After an opening night dinner in the nation’s capital at Circa, the HFA contingent will hit the ground running the next morning, with all-day meetings planned with key members of Congress and Biden administration officials. The agenda calls for more of the same the following day, when the group will be joined by board members of the American Home Furnishings Alliance (AHFA), the trade organization for furniture manufacturers.

Related: Furniture Groups Fire Back at New Rules for Dressers

In between, retailers will meet the HFA lobbying team and share their perspective on priority legislative topics during lunch in the Capitol and dinner at Carmine’s.

The Fly-In is open to HFA members and registration is available here.

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