But AVB Marketing has BrandSource members covered
By William Glade, AVB Marketing
As many of you have heard, Google is phasing out its old analytics platform, Universal Analytics, and replacing it with the new Google Analytics 4 (GA4) platform.
For more than a year, AVB Marketing (AVBM) has been working tirelessly to make sure our members are set up for continued success when this changeover officially goes into effect on July 1. In fact, Google informed us that we are within the top 1% in GA4 implementations among their agency partners, which is pretty amazing if you think about it!
See: BrandSource Preps for Google Update
Please be aware that when July 1 rolls around, the old Google Analytics properties will stop streaming data. The good news is that all members who are on our Alta website platform already have Google Analytics 4 installed on their websites today, in preparation for that change.
Here are some frequently asked questions, and answers, regarding the GA4 transition:
How will I access Google Analytics data after July 1?
AVB Marketing launched its data collection in Google Analytics 4 in January for all members and will release this data to members via their dashboards in the coming months. These dashboards will take all of the important aspects of members’ businesses and boil them down into a highly consumable, easy to navigate reporting experience — making it easy to gain the insights members need quickly without having to dig for answers in platform.
In what ways is GA4 better than Universal Analytics?
As mentioned previously, AVBM has been developing our analytics capabilities to take advantage of this change. Our development, business intelligence and marketing teams have worked together to provide members with a massive increase in consumer behavior metrics on members’ sites.
With the huge investment we’ve made in GA4, we now have detailed information related to a large number of website interactions like link clicks, video views, filter usage, merchandizing information, checkout funnel data and more. We have also developed over 60 new customer behavior tracking events, as well as over a dozen new conversions within GA4. This is what landed us our 1% ranking with Google Agency Partners. And, more importantly, all these insights will be accessible to members within your dashboards.
Key takeaways:
- We have prepared our platform to make this a seamless transition for all members on AVB’s Alta website platform
- Our tracking and reporting capabilities expand immensely with this transition, and so does our ability to report to you on performance
- You may have received or will be receiving notification(s) from Google, and we’re here to tell you that we already have it covered.
What if I have more questions?
If you have questions about these changes, please reach out to your AVB representative or AVB Marketing account executive/digital marketing specialist for more information.

William Glade is Director of SEO and Analytics at AVB Marketing, the advertising, e-commerce and digital marketing arm of YSN publisher AVB BrandSource.