Summit 2022: Good for What Ails You

AVB CEO Jim Ristow leads a session at Convention ’21.

Add burnout to the long list of COVID’s gifts

By Alan Wolf, YSN

Back in January, longtime BrandSource dealer and current YourSource contributor Rich Lindblom penned an especially poignant column on the subject of burnout.

Rich based the piece on a survey by Capital One, which showed that small business owners have been inordinately impacted by COVID-19. Sure, everyone’s stressed out by the pandemic, but between staffing issues, endless hours, irate customers, and the daily hunt for inventory, Main Street businesses — independent dealers included — have been feeling it all the more.

Rich cited a few statistics from the survey that he described as “staggering.” I can’t say I disagree:

  • 60 percent of respondents have not taken even a week off from work since the start of the pandemic nearly two years ago.
  • 42 percent of respondents have experienced the effects of burnout within the past month.
  • 35 percent of the small business owners polled said they’re in need of external resources and support.

In response, Rich offered his top two go-to’s for comfort in the age of COVID (or any time for that matter): Faith and family. But also appearing on the short list was BrandSource. Think about it: Where else can you commiserate with 5,000 fellow dealers who are experiencing the same challenges as you? Or call on hundreds of dedicated staffers who are always ready to lend an ear or a hand?

Rich’s final point, and mine, is that next month’s Summit 22 in Las Vegas may just be the perfect answer to the small business blues. For those 60 percent who’ve not had a break since the outbreak, the casino capital of the world is an ideal diversion. And whether you catch up with old Region friends or make new ones from around the country, all BrandSource dealers share a special bond, which makes you a cherished member of an extended family.

At the same time, you’ll benefit from the collective insights of industry experts who can offer guidance on those thorny staffing, customer and inventory issues. And you’ll also be privy to the newest product introductions that can carry your business even beyond last year’s record sales.

So do yourself and your company a favor and head over to if you haven’t yet registered for the show. It could be just what the doctor ordered.

Alan Wolf is Senior Editor of YSN, the news and information site of the BrandSource buying group. Write him at

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