Are You Ready to Take the Double Down Challenge?

By Alan Wolf, YSN

Anyone who says a BrandSource Summit is all fun and games wouldn’t be entirely wrong.

To make Summit 21 even more engaging, BrandSource is offering members a chance at winning a slew of prizes for themselves and their Regions based on their participation in this week’s show.

Dubbed the Double Down Challenge after this year’s Summit theme, members will be awarded points on the show virtual leaderboard for each of the events they attend and vendor connections they make on the expo floor. Those who amass the most points by the last day of Summit can qualify for first-, second- and third-place prizes.

For individual members, the third-place prize is two roundtrip tickets to Convention. Second place adds a complimentary hotel stay to the pot, while the top prize includes an upgraded hotel suite.

In addition, the three Regions that compile the most points by Day Three of Summit will be awarded cash prizes for use at upcoming Region meetings. The third-place prize is $1,500; second place is $3,500; and the top Region prize is $5,000.

Check the leaderboard tab on the virtual Summit platform for a complete list of eligible sessions and vendor booths and to track your point earnings during the show. Points will be awarded from Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. CST until Thursday at 3:00 p.m. CST, and winners will be announced on a FaceBook Live webcast on Thursday at 4:00 p.m. CST.

So clear your schedules for the next three days and hunker down with Summit. May the most attentive members and Regions win!

BrandSource, a unit of YSN publisher AVB Inc., is a nationwide buying group for independent appliance, mattress, furniture and CE dealers.

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