In his Summit 21 merchandising address, AVB’s merchandising VP Chad Evans had good news for inventory-lean dealers: relief is on the way. Ryan is a best-selling author and Emmy Award-winning journalist who specializes in helping people learn how to communicate and connect with their customers and team members. Mike Campbell, president/CEO of Leather Italia USA, sat down with AVB’s director of home furnishings merchandising Seth Weisblatt to help kick off the Furniture Channel education track at this week’s Summit 21. Key to the group’s sales and share gains is the ability to present customers with an integrated and personalized omni-channel experience that lets them buy whenever and however they want — whether that’s shopping online, buying in store, arranging for delivery or picking up curbside. With more and more furniture dealers migrating to BrandSource, the group has increased its home furnishings content accordingly for this month’s Summit 21. Over the past 15 years I’ve seen more than my share of keynote speakers at our Conventions and Summits, but for my money, this week’s keynoter Marcus Sheridan was one of the best. The Summit service seminar “Successfully Dealing with Angry Customers and Turning Them into Your Biggest Fans,” presented by BrandSource partner United Appliance Services Association (UASA), was like a master class in how to contend with unhappy shoppers. AVB CEO Jim Ristow capped off the first day of Summit 21 with an inspirational message to members that was in fact inspired by the BrandSource dealers themselves. Furniture dealers have an exclusive new source for news, business tools and peer support at BrandSource — Furniture Technology Source (FTS). AVB’s merchandising VP Chad Evans caused many a double take during last summer’s Virtual Convention, when he introduced the show’s special Stampede buys in the guise of an eccentric Masterpiece Theater host. One of Summit’s most fascinating educational sessions harkened back to the classroom with its focus on neuroscience. Attention attendees: BrandSource has swung open the virtual doors to Summit 21, the group’s annual spring meeting and product expo. Anyone who says a BrandSource Summit is all fun and games wouldn’t be entirely wrong. According to Eric Chester the answer is always no. After all, who couldn’t use another fantastic employee on their team? This month marks the first anniversary of the COVID clampdowns and the kickoff of BrandSource’s second virtual show, Summit 21. Both serve as stark reminders that retail as we knew it has changed dramatically over the past year and that in all likelihood, “Yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone.” With Summit 21 just eight days away, what better time to share some tips on getting the most from your virtual show experience? As more and more furniture dealers migrate to BrandSource, the group has increased its home furnishings content accordingly for this month’s Summit 21. BrandSource members and vendor partners, are you ready to participate in this month’s virtual Summit 21? We’ve got two important notices for BrandSource’s servicing dealers. One pertains to Summit; the other, a show of support for two fellow members. All work and no play can make any convention a dull trade show. That’s why BrandSource has built in plenty of after-hours fun for this month’s Summit 21 meeting and product expo, running March 23-25.AVB’s Evans: Back Orders Easing as BrandSource Sustains Share Gains
Summit Session: Why I’ll Take ‘The’ Over ‘A’ Every Time
Leather Italia’s Mike Campbell Gives Independents a Leg Up on Inventory
AVB Marketing Shares Checklist for Success
Summit Tunes in to Home Furnishings with the ‘Furniture Channel’
Best Keynote Ever? It Was for Me
Service Session: Turn that Frown Upside Down!
AVB’s Ristow ‘Doubles Down’ on BrandSource Dominance
BrandSource Harnesses the Power of Home Furnishings Dealers with Furniture Technology Source
AVB’s Evans Assumes New Persona for Stampede
Summit Session: Boost Your Sales with These Brain Hacks
It’s Showtime: Welcome to Summit 21!
Are You Ready to Take the Double Down Challenge?
Summit Session: Are You Fully Staffed?
It’s Time to Double Down on Digital
How to Get the Most Out of Summit
BrandSource Summit Sharpens Focus on Furniture Biz
Make Way, and Make Time, For Summit
Calling All Service Dealers!
BrandSource Summit 21 Redefines ‘Immersive’ with Interactive Social Hours