A Changing of the Guard at Advanced Maytag

New Sales and Service Director Tony Nelessen (left) is congratulated by Rich Lindblom in front of the Advanced Maytag Home Appliance Center in Schaumburg, Ill.

By Andy Kriege, YSN

After more than four decades working at and eventually running Advanced Maytag Home Appliance Center in Schaumburg Ill., Rich Lindblom and his brother Bud have decided to sell the 64-year-old family business.

While both brothers have grown children, none expressed interest in taking the company reins. The Lindbloms therefore decided to seek new owners and recently found them in Jim and Karen Giroux. After nearly three months of intensive training with the couple and their son-in law Tony Nelessen, Rich will officially step down tomorrow, Nov. 20.  

The Girouxs plan on running the business under the same name and in the same location, with day-to-day operations handled by Nelessen, who will serve as Director of Sales and Service.

Brothers Bud (left) and Rich Lindblom are handing off the family business. (Photo courtesy Rich Lindblom)

“We have been working closely with Rich,” Nelessen told YSN.  “I feel he has imparted as much knowledge as he possibly could in three months. I feel prepared enough to be pushed out of the nest now,” he said, adding, “I know I can lean on other members and the group if I get hung up on anything.”

For Lindblom, leaving the business he has poured his heart and soul into is bittersweet, but he is glad that it will continue as a family operation. “Hopefully it will carry on for the next 64 years,” he said.

Besides the business, Lindblom will also miss BrandSource. “While it’s exciting to have sold our company, it is also very hard to leave all of my friends in the group,” he said. “I have built so many relationships over the past 15 years within BrandSource and especially this channel. I have made life-long friends with many of you and I will miss seeing you all multiple times a year at Conventions, meetings, and Maytag U.”

For the past five years Lindblom served as an outspoken member of the Maytag Council, a position he described as “a true honor.”

“Some of you may have grown weary of my voice or constant emails,” he quipped, “but my goal was always clear — to make all of us better and more profitable.”

The Maytag Channel will indeed miss his dedication and hard work. As BrandSource’s Lead Member Relations Manager Arlene Soto noted, “For the past five years Rich has devoted himself as a council member, and rigorously advocated for all the members of the channel with true grit and passion.”

She continued, “He has always been one of the most vocal leaders on our council. He led with his heart, and always followed up on countless ideas that would benefit all the Maytag members. I want to thank him for the lasting contributions he has made to the Maytag Channel.”

Looking ahead, Lindblom said he is “not quite sure what the future will hold for me. I still have a passion for this industry, so I guess you never know; I know I don’t.”

What he is sure of his gratitude to the region, to his vendor and to the group. “I want to thank the Channel, the Council, Whirlpool and BrandSource for everything they have done for me and meant to me over these past 40-plus years,” he said. “Best of luck to you all.”

Added Lindblom, “I’m only a phone call or email away should you want to chat or pick my brain.”

BrandSource wishes to thank the Lindblom family for their support and all their contributions to the organization throughout the years. Their input and expertise will be missed.

BrandSource, a unit of YSN publisher AVB Inc., is a nationwide buying group for independent appliance, mattress, furniture and CE dealers.

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