BrandSource to Hold its Summer Convention Online

By Alan Wolf, YSN

AVB will transform this summer’s Convention 2020 from an on-site show to a virtual event, to be held online during its originally scheduled show week of Aug. 30–Sept. 1, 2020.

Jim Ristow, CEO of AVB Inc., said the decision to move BrandSource’s Convention 2020 online was made after long and careful deliberation. Factors considered by AVB’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT) included travel and exhibit center restrictions; guidance from national and local officials; and overwhelming feedback from member dealers and manufacturers.

“With every event conducted by AVB/BrandSource, our goal has always been the same: to provide new business opportunities, the best in industry-leading education and training, a forum for networking and friendships, and to deliver the most effective strategies to help our members thrive — all within a safe and healthful environment,” Ristow said. “In order to maintain those goals while the country heals from the health crisis, we concluded that a virtual Convention offers the best opportunity to deliver the most benefits while assuring the safety of our members, exhibitor partners and staff.”

What can Convention attendees expect come August? Members and exhibitors will find many of the hallmarks of the on-site event that they value and relish, including a keynote address, show-special Stampede deals, a virtual product expo, one-on-one vendor meetings online, and plentiful buying opportunities at this critical time of the year.

Details of the new Convention 2020 format and an associated educational series are presently being finalized, and members will be notified when the registration link goes live at

“While we are deeply disappointed that we will not be seeing each other in person this summer, we are very excited about the virtual experience we are developing to keep our independent retailers and vendor community connected,” added Ristow. “As with any past BrandSource Convention or AVB Summit, the information, insights, buying opportunities and inspiration that members come away with will be vital to remaining competitive and profitable, especially in this unprecedented retail environment.”

YSN is published by AVB Inc.

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